Cityzens Giving is back and you have the power to decide how £400,000, donated by City Football Group its partners, is split between six community football projects across the world.


Thanks to its booming tech industry, Bangalore has become known as India’s very own Silicon Valley.

But a resulting huge growth in the city’s population has led to traditional water sources drying up and becoming contaminated and, as a result, many children are at risk of contracting water-borne diseases.

This not only affects their health but also keeps them away school, which can lead to a detrimental long-term impact on their education.

19-year-old Tharun and his fellow Young Leaders are seeking to address this through the Water Goals project.

The project aims to increase access to safe, clean water and so reduce the risk of illness faced by up to 5,000 children in disadvantaged communities across the community.

As well as using the unique power of football to provide vital education about the importance of clean water and sanitation, the project will also benefit from the expertise of leading global water technology company, Xylem, through the building of water towers that deliver clean water in the heart of the community.

Tharun said: “Football is my life. Because of football, I’ve been able to get an education and do something with my life.

“In my community there is no supply of clean water. The water is mixed with drainage water and drinking this can make children sick. Because of this they cannot go to school.

“Through the Water Goals project, we teach children about hygiene, garbage issues, water problems.

We also teach them how to drink clean water as well as how to wash their hands properly so that they have a good sense of hygiene.”

This project is delivered in partnership with Magic Bus, and generously supported by Xylem.