Cityzens Giving is back and you have the power to decide how £400,000, donated by City Football Group its partners, is split between six community football projects across the world.


São Paulo is Brazil’s economic capital yet three million people live in favelas, which are characterised by poor access to public services.

The quality of education in communities such as Vila Albertina means that many children do not complete school and those that do often lack important life skills, leading to high levels of youth unemployment. 

Barbara and other Young Leaders are using football as a tool to tackle this issue, by providing alternative education for children in schools across the community. The Projecto Gol project aims to improve educational attainment, develop participants’ life skills and raise their aspirations to build a brighter future. 

“Football and education are connected because they bring people together. And the skills that schools cannot teach, sport teaches,” said Barbara, 18

“Football for Brazilians is a passion. A love you cannot explain.

“But schools don’t offer the necessary tools because the education system is flawed.

“There are many things I learned only because I took an interest.

“Those who give up their studies are the ones who have no motivation to continue.

“They don’t have someone pushing them forward to follow their dreams.

“For me being a Young Leader is very important. I can see my transformation from when I began to where I am now.

“Everything I learn I can feed back into the community.”