The Manchester City Women boss urges caution ahead of Friday's Champions League second leg...

Nick Cushing on MCWFC’s Champions League second leg: “It’s in the biggest competition because it’s the UCL, but previously we’ve played games when we’ve had to win the league and we’ve played two cup finals. We haven’t built it up any more than any other game and we’ve prepared as we always would.

“We brought two players in and we knew we didn’t have a lot of work to with the way we play. Physically, yeah we had work to do but the players going on international duty help. I’m really pleased with where the team are now. Since we’ve had this team we’ve never had a full squad to pick from. This is probably the best condition the squad’s been in since I’ve been manager.

“We’re nowhere near where we want to be. The achievements we want are a greater than individual trophies. We want to put a team out there that football fans around the world can relate to because of our style of play. We don’t want people to come and watch us just because we win trophies.. Our aim is to develop something that’s greater than being champions for just one season. We’re not there yet, but we’re a lot closer than we were in year one or year two.”