A Manchester City Season Card holder, who won the top prize in City in the Community’s new monthly Prize Draw, shared his story with the Etihad crowd on Saturday.

Steve, who took home £2,500, spoke at City’s 1-1 Premier League draw at home to Chelsea about his experience of signing up, his reaction to winning and his reasons for entering the draw.


When asked how he found out about his winnings, Steve said:  “I got an email in the morning, just before Christmas.

I looked at it four  or five times, checked it wasn’t a scam because I enter lots of competitions and never win and yeah, I just couldn’t believe it, but it’s fantastic.”

Steve spoke pitch side both before the match on Matchday Live and at half-time with stadium presenter, Natalie Pike.

When asked about his intentions for entering the draw he added:  “I enter lots of these competitions because I want to win the signed shirts. 

“For this one, I actually wanted to donate to City in the Community and then I win the prize! So, that’s the moral of the story, go for the charity and you might win.

Steve was also asked whether he would enter the draw again, and his response was:  “Absolutely! When I joined, I thought well it’s five pound per ticket so I did a direct debit, so I don’t need to worry now, it just comes out every month. 

“Fingers crossed, I might win again, you never know!


Each month, fans around the world* can get their hands on signed player shirts, cash prizes and much more through the City in the Community Prize Draw. It runs each month, and you can enter for just £5  a ticket.

Supporters can enter on a one-off basis or they can sign up to a direct debit, meaning they enter the draw monthly automatically. Fans have until the 20th of each month at 23:59 GMT to enter!

Every penny raised goes towards sustaining the charity’s programmes, which place physical and mental wellbeing at their core, whilst also creating healthy futures and healthy communities.

To gain an even further insight into how far donations go, you can read the charity’s new annual report below.


To take part in the prize draw, or to find out more, visit: www.mancity.com/citcprizedraw

All winners will also be notified by email. Winners who have entered via postal entry will be notified by post if they do not include an email address with their entry. For any further queries, please email citc@mancity.com.

City in the Community empowers healthier lives with city youth through football.

To find out more, visit www.mancity.com/CITC or follow the charity on social media @CITCmancity.

*Singapore, United Arab Emirates, Cambodia, Qatar, Lebanon, and North Korea are the only excluded countries from the prize draw.