The best of the action from the game dubbed 'The Ballet on Ice'

55 years ago today, City and Spurs fought out a classic Division One game at Maine Road.

With much of the UK under a blanket of snow, the Match of the Day cameras raced to Moss Side, with City’s state-of-the-art undersoil heating guaranteeing a game to televise.

But the snow and ice meant the surface was still slippery and City skipper Tony Book’s tip to unscrew the metal studs of his boots - and those of his team-mates - to leave a small metal tip protruding, proved inspired.

With added sure-footedness, City were able to negate the surface with ease, while Spurs players struggled to stay upright.


What followed was a performance full of style and grace that initially defied logic...

Enjoy ‘The Ballet on Ice’ highlights above... and you can watch longer highlights on CITY+ and Recast with more than 44 minutes of vintage action!