One of City's Under-9s group has won a prestigious Premier League writing award.

Rico Hinson-King, the author of ‘Strong and Tough’ has written the heart-warming and inspirational story of Charlie - a young boy who is taken into care and separated from his sisters.

Throughout his many ups and downs, the youngster reinforces the need to stay strong and tough, no matter what obstacles are put in your path.

And when Charlie finds a loving foster family, there is still the question of what will happened to his sisters and whether he will be able to see them - or if they will even be able to be fostered together.

Told through the eyes of a nine year-old, Rico entered his story into the annual Premier League academy writing competition.

After all the entries were judged, Rico’s ‘Strong and Tough’ was chosen as the winner, making him the Premier League young writer of the year across all age groups involved.

Congratulations to Rico from everyone at Manchester City - as a Club, we are extremely proud of your achievement.