Trash talk, mind games and psychological warfare...

Shaun Goater reckons he’s the penalty king, while David James believes he is the king of saving spot-kicks... somebody is going to be disappointed.

The Goat elects to study the style of various specialist penalty takers - including Joe Hart!

Sergio Aguero, Jorginho, Raheem Sterling and Mario Balotelli’s technique are also replicated - or rather attempted to be replicated - by the ever-enthusiastic Goat.

But Jamo attempts to get in the Bermudian’s head as he barracks him from his goal line.

Who will triumph? Has Jamo really sussed Goat’s penalty-spot secret and, more importantly, will Goat ever sing ‘I Feel Good’ in tune?

And can Jamo show Shaun how it’s done from the spot?

There’s only one way to find out the results of this hilarious head-to-head...

Watch the video above, now!