Bernardo Silva has taken time to visit City in the Community’s Soccer Schools this week.

Silva, who last season dialled into a virtual session during lockdown, was able to see first hand the impact CITC’s work is making in the local area.

Throughout August, Manchester City’s Official Foundation is working hard to deliver a #SummerWithCITC for young people. Alongside Soccer Schools, activations include free hot and cold lunches for all participants, education and wellbeing workshops, as well as football sessions for all in local parks.

CITC Soccer Schools uses the brand of Manchester City to engage participants in open access football, increasing physical activity throughout the school holidays with regular sessions in communities across the city. Participants are provided with free full day structured coaching sessions as well as free food provision at all sites to tackle holiday hunger in the most deprived areas of the city.

Commenting on the visit, Silva said:

The kids asked me plenty of questions about health and football, so it was nice to answer them.
For Manchester City to give them free meals and let them enjoy these fantastic facilities, because they really are unbelievable, I think it’s great!

One participant said he was “thrilled” after the visit, adding:

I asked him if he felt any pressure and his answers were great. He gave me a lot of tips including what to do and just to feel no pressure, just enjoy the game. I really enjoyed it!

Keep a look out for a new video, which captures all our #SummerWithCITC work, on social media very soon!

For more information about City in the Community, visit