'Break the bias. Join the revolution.'

In celebration of International Women’s Day 2022, City’s women’s team have come together to deliver a powerful message.

The theme for the campaign this year is: ‘Break the bias’, urging the world to challenge perceptions, break down barriers and celebrate difference and inclusion.


In support of the tagline, the 2022 Continental Cup winners joined to narrate a poem: ‘#BreakTheBias: Fighting for our goals’, which was written by the Club’s Women’s Football Editor Caroline Oatway.

The poem highlights the challenges faced by female footballers, the stereotypes associated with the game and the importance of togetherness and diversity in the fight for equality and equity.

Watch the video above to hear the poem and read the words below...

#BreakTheBias: Fighting for our Goals

‘Women can’t play football.’
We’ve heard it all before.
‘It’s not what people want to see.’
About that… are you sure?


‘Unsuitable, unskilled, unattractive.
‘More muscular than a woman should be.’
You’re entitled to your opinion
But I respectfully disagree.

‘You must be this, you must be that.’
Sorry, according to whom?
I can be whatever I want
And that decision is not up to you.

‘There’s no skill in the women’s game.’
Oh, really? Have you seen this…?
How about you do your research
Before you insult and dismiss?


‘Women aren’t as strong as men.
‘They’d never beat a man a race.’
Well, I’d like to see you try
To beat one of our wingers for pace!


Banned, omitted, taunted.
Prevented from playing in school
Yet we’ve carved a career in the sport that we love
Having overcome such ridicule.


We’ve already smashed the glass ceiling.
Who says we can’t raise the bar?
Our names sung on the terraces,
You now know who we are.


One thing we all have in common
As well as our love of the game:
We’ve all had to fight to achieve our goals
Because we were never treated the same.


‘Teamwork makes the dream work’
And diversity is a core strength
Like a machine is made up of multiple parts
And we’re all on the same wavelength.


We celebrate our differences
Each bringing something unique
Experience, skill, leadership,
Ability, positivity, technique.

So, I don’t need your approval
To try to pursue my dream.
The only views that matter
Are the ones shared by my team.


We all strive for a better world
One of justice, equality, inclusion.
Now it’s time to play your part.
Break the bias. Join the revolution.