Karen Bardsley reflects on her recent Celebrity Mastermind appearance, before putting her City knowledge to the test…

The former City goalkeeper appeared on the iconic BBC show earlier this month, opting for Will Ferrell movies as her specialist subject.

With a score of 12 points, Bardsley finished second in the four-person leaderboard.

But while our new Girls’ Academy Manager more than held her own in the famous black chair, she admitted to feeling the pressure when under the spotlight.


“It was pretty nerve-wracking, a pretty intimidating experience. I’d rather play in a big game or a World Cup than do it again,” she joked.

“But it was a lot of fun, everyone on the show was great.

“It was something I never thought I’d do and I’m proud of the fact that I did something that was a bit uncomfortable.”

After a brief look back on her performance, Bardsley was back in the famous black chair, answering some City-focused questions.

Find out how she got on via the video above!