Lucy Bronze says being named in the FIFPro World XI for 2021 ranks as one of her proudest achievements.

The City defender features for the fourth time in the past five years, with the awards voted for each year by professional footballers around the world.

And Bronze’s exploits for City, England and Team GB across 2021 have seen her recognised once again at this year’s ceremony in Zurich, Switzerland.

Reflecting on her inclusion, the 30-year-old says the praise from her peers ensures the World XI inclusion carries an extra weight of significance.


“It’s a huge honour. Any award or recognition voted for by fellow players you play with and against has to be the best,” she said.

“They’re the ones that know how hard it is to play against you or how good it is to play alongside you so there’s not many awards better than the ones voted for by players.

“My highlight (of 2021) has to be playing in the Olympics for Team GB.

“I know we didn’t get a medal, but it was still an amazing experience and definitely a highlight of this year for me.”

Congratulations to Lucy on her inclusion in the FIFPro World XI!

Hear Lucy’s interview in full via the video above…