It’s the second day in Ghana for Harry Bunn, Jordi Hiwula and George Swan and a humbling day was in store for the injured City trio.

After yesterday’s gym sessions and introductions, George, Harry and Jordi made the trip to the village near the complex they are staying in, where they gave a training session for local children.

Basic possession drills, shooting practice and heading were the order of the day.

Although the children were playing on dusty pitches with little or no footwear, there was plenty of talent on show and smiles on faces, which was a humbling sight for the trio of young Blues.

The travelling contingent went to bed for a well-earned catch-up sleep and were treated to a relative lie-in, waking up at 6.30am as opposed to yesterday’s 5am.

After watching a couple of games of football this morning, the day’s rehabilitation session started with the injured trio, taking place in a new gym.

There were no weights, medicine balls or resistance bands in sight - instead they were replaced by shovels, wheelbarrows and pick-axes as the boys set to work helping shift soil for the local community.

It took a while to get a routine going under the watchful eye of Grant Downie but all seemed to enjoy the task immensely.

This evening it’s off to the school to hopefully watch the City game versus Southampton and of course, Ghana v Mali in the African Cup of Nations third place play off.