Join us in our latest feature as we get to know more about our academy players.

First up: Colin Rosler... 

Being the son of cult hero Uwe means Colin is likely to know more about the club than most 16-year-olds. Colin is forging his own path at the club though, starring in defensive midfield during the U18s’ excellent start to the season.

We asked Colin some questions about what makes him tick...

Where are you from?

I was born in Germany, grew up in Norway and moved to England when I was 10 so I like to call myself European.

Your earliest footballing memory?

I’m way too young to remember my dad’s career and I wasn’t even born while he was at City!

My first City memory is when they played away at Schalke in the UEFA Cup in that bright orange kit. I know we won but what I remember most about it really is how bright that kit looked on TV!


BRIGHT SPARKS: Benjani and Vincent Kompany celebrate during City's 2-0 win at Schalke in 2008
BRIGHT SPARKS: Benjani and Vincent Kompany celebrate during City's 2-0 win at Schalke in 2008

What did you do as a child when not at school?

Growing up in Norway it wasn’t as professional as here but I would still spend my summers playing football all day until it went dark.

In Norway you get brought up with winter sports so I did lots of downhill and cross-country skiing. I was never that good, it was just for fun until I could play football again.

What do you do during your time off now?

Me and my dad play quite a bit of golf when we both have days off. Other than that, I guess I’m quite focused on my football.

Favourite film?

Wolf of Wall Street.

Favourite type of music?

It’s mainly a mix of hip-hop, rap and house.

Favourite thing about life in Manchester?

When you look at Manchester from a foreign country, the first thing you think about is the two massive football clubs. I’ve been to quite a few derby games while I’ve been living here and the atmosphere is totally different to any other matches I’ve experienced..