It's the second instalment of our feature to learn more about U18s players. Next up...Matt Smith

At just 16, Smith has already made a move from Birmingham to Manchester and captained Wales at U16 and U17 levels.

After an impressive start to the season for him and his teammates, we found out what makes him tick.

Where are you from?

Redditch. It’s a small town outside of Birmingham where everyone knows each other so it’s pretty different from Manchester.

Earliest footballing memory?

Playing football with my little brother in the garden doing the Match of the Day theme tune and celebrating like we were professionals. Just loving the game as much as possible.

Biggest inspiration?

My family have supported me throughout my life. I was a bit nervous about moving from West Brom to Manchester as a 14-year-old but my parents encouraged me to do it, knowing that it would be best for me. They manage to make it up most weekends to watch me play and that gives me a big lift.

What do you do when not playing football?

I was a pretty normal kid, just chilling out and playing on my Xbox to unwind.

I played quite a lot of sports and I reached a pretty good level in cricket too. I was playing at county level but cricket was just something I was doing through the summer when I had time. It wasn’t a hard decision to commit to football when West Brom asked me to.

Favourite thing about life in Manchester?

I certainly didn’t move here for the weather. There’s lots to do and everyone’s friendly so when we get time off it’s never dull because there’s so much to entertain us.

I live near Stockport so it’s easy for me to come to the CFA and to go in to town.

Favourite film?

The Goonies.

Favourite music?

Arctic Monkeys.