Academy manager Andy Welsh believes that Scott Sellars' impressive CV and complete coaching repertoire makes him the perfect recruit to the Blues' new-look coaching team at Platt Lane.

Former Leeds and Newcastle midfielder Sellars has just joined City as Head of Under-18s coaching, and Welsh can’t wait to benefit from the nous acquired over a 20-year playing career and beyond.

He told “There were a number of coaches who would have been ideal for coming to such a fantastic football club, but what swayed it for me with Scott was that he has worked all the way through the age ranges.

“He’s coached the 9-16 age, worked at youth-team level, and had first-team coaching experience as well. He understands what we are trying to develop here through his own experiences as a player and as a coach.

“He knows the attributes needed in order to produce young professional footballers, and this background was what drew us to Scott.

“We have a philosophy that develops the players from the age of nine all the way through to senior football, and Scott fits perfectly into that plan.”

Scott’s arrival comes hot on the heels of the Academy’s coup in landing Brian Kidd as Technical Development Manager, and Welsh is convinced his new appointments will underpin the Academy’s continued success.

“We have a great coaching team in place now,” declares Andy. “Brian Kidd needs no introduction, Steve Eyre is the assistant Academy manager, and Marc Maddocks has joined us as the assistant 9-to-16s coaching co-ordinator, having worked for many years for the club with CITC.

“Now we also have Scott as the Under-18s coach, so I’ve got an excellent coaching set-up here. We’re all looking forward to an exciting future and developing even more young players for the manager.”