Cityzens Giving is back and fans have the power to decide how £400,000, donated by City Football Group and its partners, is split between six projects across the world.


In Australia, it is reported that one in five people frequently feel lonely, and the Cityzens Giving Project ‘I Speak Football’, centred around the love of football, has been put in place to tackle this problem head on and help young people in Melbourne feel more accepted and welcome in their community. 

We caught up with two of our young leaders James and Sohaila to find out more about the positive influence this project is having on their community. 

Are you excited that Cityzens Giving is back?

Sohaila: Yes, I’m really excited because of all the opportunities that the programme has provided and the many more lives it can affect in the future.

Young leaders in Melbourne will continue to use football, life skills and language training to help a further 350 young people feel less isolated and realise their dreams. 

What are you most looking forward to?

James: I’m looking forward to building on the success of the project. Since I Speak Football was set up last year, 83% of participants in the project have reported a much stronger connection in their community – proof that this scheme really does make a difference! 

Cityzens Giving Melbourne

The young people have loved it so far and are keen to see the project continue to grow.

Why you think football will make a difference in your community?

Sohaila: I live in Dandenong, a suburb in Melbourne’s South East. It is very multicultural and there are lots of families who have newly arrived in Australia.

Moving to a new country can be extremely hard and our sessions have definitely made a massive difference in young people’s ability to improve English language skills and confidence.

As a global game, football breaks down all cultural barriers and brings people together. It creates community, harmony and friendships, and by doing so it unites people and improves overall wellbeing.

Has football had a positive impact on your life?

James: It definitely has had a positive impact on my life. It has always made me happy, it’s helped me to build friendships and grow into the person I am today.

I feel more confident and accepted and, because of that, I take more initiative and accept challenges.

Sohaila: You can make a massive difference to people’s lives by voting for the Cityzens Giving I Speak Football project.

Melbourne is such a diverse and multicultural community, and our common love of football can bring us all together! Make sure you play your role in making this happen.

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This project is delivered in partnership with Centre for Multi-Cultural Youth and Melbourne City in the Community.