Manchester City has kicked off an exciting new era with the official launch of their all-new club badge, which was projected across Manchester Town Hall on Thursday night.

The new badge, lauded as a “modern original”, marks a return to its historical round shape and features a series of iconic Manchester symbols - the ship, the three rivers and the red rose of Lancashire.

For the first time the Club has included the year of its foundation - 1894 - as a nod to its rich history within the Manchester community.

The badge was first unveiled to fans on Boxing Day 2015, following a 30-day consultation period with Cityzens supporters, which revealed resounding support for the badge to evolve. Supporters also had a say on the shape, colours and elements featured on the badge and all of their feedback was used to help shape what the badge today looks like.  

Over the last ten days, the Etihad Campus has been undergoing an incredible transformation. More than 100 people have contributed to the process that has seen the Etihad Stadium, Market Street City Store, City Football Academy and the community bridge updated and brought into this new phase in the Club’s history.

More than 5000 items featuring the new badge have been produced for signage across the Etihad Campus and more than 1500 seatbacks were replaced at the Etihad Stadium in preparation for the 2016/17 season, which will see Pep Guardiola take the helm as Manchester City’s new manager.

The new badge can also be found on Manchester City’s all-new website,, which went live on Thursday night as the badge lit up the Manchester Town Hall. The new website has been designed to bring local and global fans closer to the action than ever before and this weekend they will all be able to tune for a live broadcast of all the activity taking place across Cityzens Weekend, including Pep’s official introduction to the fans.

Badges across Manchester City’s global offices have been changed, as well as the specially-branded Etihad plane that has been adorned with the new design.

The Club has thrown its doors open to thousands of fans for Cityzens Weekend, a free, two-day event that brings together fans from around the world to celebrate the launch of the new Club badge, introduce new manager, Pep Guardiola, to the fans and reveal the new kit for the first time.

Danny Wilson, Operations Director for Manchester City Football Club, speaking at the Town Hall event, commented:

“The new badge represents a special moment for the Club and we wanted to mark it with our fans who have played an integral role in determining the design of the new badge so it is fitting that they be a part of these celebrations.

“The support of our fans throughout the consultation process and their enthusiasm about the new badge has been second to none. We can’t wait for Cityzens Weekend to begin and we look forward to celebrating this new chapter in our history.”