Manchester City FC is very sorry to hear that Frank Horrocks, the former General Secretary of the MCFC Supporters Club (1949), has passed away.

Following his retirement from the post, Frank was made Life Vice President of the Supporters Club in recognition of his outstanding service to his fellow Blues.

Chairman Alan Galley has paid tribute to Frank, who he had known since the mid-1960s.

“Frank’s dedication to Manchester City was second to none, and the current success of the Supporters Club has a lot to do with his drive and tireless efforts down the years. Along with Tony Book, Ian Niven, Peter Swales and Bernard Halford, he helped establish branches up and down the country and would do anything for his fellow Blues, wherever they were.

“He was hugely respected in Manchester and nationally through his work with what was then called the National Federation of Football Supporters Clubs. I have had many tributes from all over the country, and he will be very sadly missed.

“He was the perfect gentleman, his work will never be bettered and he will never be forgotten.”

City Life President and former club secretary Bernard Halford added, “Frank was a lovely guy and a mainstay of the Supporters Club through thick and thin. He was a good friend to me and a lot of people, and all our condolences go to his family.”