As part of the Club’s ongoing preparations for the 20/21 season and the return of supporters to the stadium in October, subject to the completion of successful sporting test events, we would like to provide you with the following additional information:

 The Club anticipates that football stadia will be operating on a reduced capacity basis for at least part of the 20/21 season, subject to confirmation from the Premier League and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.

 As such, we will not be asking supporters to renew their Seasoncard or make an upfront financial commitment for the coming season.

Instead, supporters will be given the opportunity to enter a ballot for match tickets, with 19/20 Seasoncard holders given priority.

 Due to the likelihood of reduced capacity matches and in line with social distancing guidelines, stadium seating will be mapped in a pre-defined layout to ensure that supporters are able to keep a safe distance from one another in the stadium bowl.

 We understand some supporters may not wish to, or be able, return to the stadium immediately, or at any time during the 20/21 season. If that is the case, you do not need to contact the Club and we will consider your seasonal membership ‘deferred’. Please note, you will retain the option to renew your Seasoncard for the 21/22 season or at any such time that we may offer Seasoncards during the 20/21 season.

We know that the above will not answer all of your questions, but please be assured that we are working through every aspect of the wider matchday operation at this time.

This includes, but is not limited to, the process supporters will follow to apply for match tickets through the ballot, detailed information regarding health and safety provision, food and drink and terms of entry to the stadium.

Data Verification

On Monday 17th August, we asked supporters to review their details and offered an amnesty to ensure that that we know exactly who is entering the stadium each matchday.

This enables the Club to fully support the Government’s Track and Trace scheme.

As advised, you may be asked to produce a valid form of photographic identification* to gain entry to the stadium on a matchday.

In the event that you are asked, the information we hold on record must correspond with your identification. We would therefore encourage every supporter to check their details.

*Further information, including what may be required and any exemptions, will be provided in due course.

Seasoncard holders and Cityzens Matchday members that are yet to update their details, can do so by contacting Supporter Services on 0161 444 1894. 

Thank you for your patience and cooperation during this time.

The welfare and safety of our supporters remains our priority and we look forward to welcoming you back to the stadium later this year.