City in the Community is encouraging fans to drop off clean sports kit and no longer required equipment as part of the BBC’s new campaign ‘BBC Kit Out the Nation’, which hopes to donate sports wears and equipment to schools and charities

As we are emerging from the Coronavirus pandemic, the BBC is aiming to help children and families by providing them with sportswear and equipment that is no longer used or required by others.

The broadcaster is looking for everyday items of sports clothing and sport/games equipment that a young person can use in an activity, for example, balls, bats and rackets etc.

Until Saturday 16th October they are aiming to collect as much sports kit and equipment as they can to give to schools and charities where a young person would benefit from it or use it.

To support, the CITC teams has set up a collection zone and are encouraging our fans to be part of this cause. If you have any spare kit or equipment to donate, please take it to The Grange, Beswick, where we are working with 4TC to arrange a drop-off point for our fans.

Elsewhere, more than 13,000 items of Manchester City kit have already been donated to 40 charities, schools, grassroots teams and Official Supporters Clubs, travelling as far as Cape Verdi, Sierra Leone and Ghana, by City in the Community this summer.