City in the Community (CITC) is celebrating youth voices during its bespoke ‘Speak Week’ campaign.

CITC understands the importance of creating a culture of listening to our participants and hearing their voices.

The charity want people who participate in their programmes to feel valued and be encouraged to #SpeakupSpeakout when they are involved in an activity.

CITC’s safeguarding officer, Deborah Glynn said: “CITC actively promotes a listening culture across our provisions throughout the whole year and we actively listen to our participants and value their thoughts, feelings, views and opinions.

“Through our Speak Week campaign, we are championing and celebrating the voices of our participants and reminding them to #SpeakupSpeakout.”

This is CITC’s second speak week, holding their first one last year during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In advance of the week, 1,326 participants shared their thoughts and opinions. On average 90% of participants said that they feel safe when they are with CITC or attending a session.

Throughout the week, a number of activities are taking place, including asking participants to describe CITC and working with CITC in one word.

Keep an eye out across their social media channels from Monday 21st March to keep up to date with all the speak week activities.
