The Club’s charity, City in the Community (CITC), is marking Safer Internet Day on Tuesday, 8 February as part of a week full of activities.

From Monday 5 until Friday 9 February, CITC will be celebrating its own ‘Digital Awareness Week’, incorporating Safer Internet Day and its messaging through its sessions.

The charity’s aim is to raise awareness of being safe online and to encourage positive conversations about the digital space.

Workshops will encourage young people to speak to an adult they trust, if something is worrying them in either the virtual or real world.

Safer Internet Day is an annual global campaign that links into CITC’s own Digital Awareness Week, both encapsulating the message of how to stay safe online, whilst having fun.

Each year a new theme or issue is explored which impacts on the lives of young people, with 2024 being all about ‘inspiring change, making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online’.

The digital world offers a wide range of opportunities for communication, education, and entertainment for us all.

However, interaction with the digital world is starting much earlier and young people are shaping the interactive entertainment spaces.

CITC celebrates and embraces this yet feel that it is important to educate and help raise awareness of safety within the digital world.

CITC’s safeguarding manager, Michael Walker, said: “The internet and social media is a great place to learn, create and stay connected to friends, but it is important that you stay safe online.

“CITC’s safer internet day campaign will use practical sessions as well as information on our social media platforms so you will be able to enjoy the digital world safely”. 

City in the Community empowers healthier lives with city youth through football.

To find out more, visit or follow the charity on social media @CITCmancity.