The permanent tribute to Colin Bell, Francis Lee, and Mike Summerbee has been praised from far and wide.

Unveiled on Tuesday ahead of our home Champions League tie with Red Bull Leipzig, the stunning bronze statue of three of Manchester City’s greatest players now stands proudly outside the Etihad Stadium.

A great source of pride for the Club and our supporters, here are the thoughts of four current heroes: Phil Foden, Steph Houghton, Rico Lewis, and former skipper Vincent Kompany…


“Amazing, wow! A legacy is really important in anything that anyone does – to have a legacy and a history.

“It’s not just about the here and now – it’s about those that have paved the way and made this football club what it is today - especially at this football club which is really special to be part of.

“I’ve met Mike Summerbee quite a few times and what a great human being and ambassador for this club he is.

“Mike also has a great interest in our women’s team.

“Manchester City to me is absolutely everything and it’s where I’ve spent that last 10 years.

“I’m not from Manchester, but this is my home now.

“I hope people speak about our team in 10 or 20 years as a team who gave their all, tried to play the best football and hopefully because of the trophies we won.

“We’ve got the Aguero, Silva and Kompany statues over at the Etihad and it’s only right we have these statues for three very special people.”

Phil Foden

“I’ve been a City fan since the age of four or five.

“I got scouted pretty young, so I got myself into City, really - though my mum was a Blue and took me to the souvenir store to get shirts, posters, and stuff.

“David Silva was my hero growing up and I used to watch what he did all the time. He was a magician.

“I remember being behind the goal for the QPR goal when Sergio scored, and I’ve been there for the good and the bad times.

“When I speak to people about Bell, Lee and Summerbee, they tell me how special they were and what they meant to this club.

“Colin Bell has a stand named after him, which speaks volumes about his standing and it’s really nice they are getting a statue as a tribute to them as well. They deserve it.

“It’s very important we remember the players who helped us get to where we are today.

“Football was different back then and it’s about recognising what players from the past did for City.

“Mike Summerbee – from what I’ve heard and seen - was electric on the wing and was unbelievable and I get to speak to him from time to time and he’s a really top guy.

“Francis Lee is one of the best forwards we ever had, so I’m glad that we have honoured these three legends and I’ll be sure to have my photo taken with the statue!”


“I became a City fan pretty much as I could make my own decisions, so I’d say from the age of about three.

“I’m not sure who got me into City – I remember being taken to a few games, but my dad was never really interested in football.

“Most of family are United fans, but after watching games on TV, I just decided I preferred blue!

“My first hero was Aguero – I remember watching his debut against Swansea, plus David Silva and all the creative players we had when I was younger.

“The Kompany, Silva and Aguero statues – they’re a really good addition to the stadium.

“As for the new statues, I think it’s really important because it’s showing respect to the people that came before you and obviously that will continue a tradition for those who come after you as well.

“To be the biggest club in the world, you’ve got to respect your history.

“It’s important to know that we struggled in the past as well, being relegated, promoted, getting relegated again or whatever.

“I want kids today to enjoy our dominance because this is our time.

“I’ve seen a few videos of Colin Bell, and he was exciting to watch and always full of energy.

“I’ve met Mike a few times around City and he’s a great guy. My family told me how skilful he was on the wing and was great to watch.

“From what I’ve been told, Francis Lee was a great goal-scorer and integral to one of our most successful sides of the past.

“It’s a fitting tribute to three legends.”


“I was lucky enough to have met all three, of course.

“I think when we won the first FA Cup in 2011, Buzzer was there!

“I never met them when they were young, but for me they meant a lot because there wasn’t an era of recent success to look back on – all the heroes I knew were like Paul Dickov and The Goat.

“It’s a bit of City’s history that has been forgotten by the outside world – having those guys around was a reminder that this club had done it in the past and could do it again.

“It’s been great to share memories with those guys and those who have passed on will be remembered forever by Blues and we still have Mike Summerbee who is an absolute legend with our family.

“Being given a statue is a major event in itself and not something you expect in your lifetime, but I was part of a generation who were able to achieve success quickly – and that has been recognised fairly quickly whereas for these guys it’s been a long, long time and I think by putting them at the forefront shows how rich the history of the club is and that there is 120-plus years of people, players, fans and memories and icons from different eras and that recognition is important.

“My statue was unveiled during COVID, so I couldn’t really travel over, and then when the restrictions were lifted I was always really busy.

“When I came back to Manchester to see the family, I took the kids to look at the statue in the early evening when there weren’t many people around.

“It was nicely lit up and I can’t describe the feeling of honour and privilege I felt to receive such a sign of respect from the club.

“Buzzer – he brings a smile to my face straight away because he’s always there and always has a story to share from the past or about how the game has changed.

“He’s always been someone you can tap into for a bit of history on the game and the players who have worn the shirt – and I think it’s important to have these people around because they give that extra value to the shirt.

“From my time at the Club, City have always done a fantastic job of highlighting Manchester City’s past – I’ve never heard that it’s only about the club’s recent success.

“They’ve always made sure it was the full story of the club being told and to continue that tradition is really important for the next generation to make it part of the DNA of the club.

“Guys like Mike Summerbee, Colin Bell and Francis Lee are key in that because they help the past come to life.”