In Girona, several children and adolescents have been disproportionately affected by the Coronavirus crisis.

A large number of young people from at-risk communities had already faced difficulties in school prior to the pandemic and were not attending school or taking part in education.

Due to the impact of the pandemic, even more families have found themselves in a precarious situation and are concerned about the impact of school closures, reduced timetables, and a lack of socio-economic support for their children.

This project, led by Red Cross Girona, is supporting the children and young people most at risk of missing out on their education and is providing the tools and guidance to help them continue their learning safely.

Young Leaders and volunteers have been helping young people with homework and tutoring, as well as offering a wider set of education resources to support the development of key life skills.

As part of the project, they have provided education on best practices to prevent infection, alongside health kits and nutritious food parcels to boost health and wellbeing.

The wider community has also been engaged to provide support and long-term engagement to help support the children and young people and to keep them safe.


To support Cityzens Giving for Recovery in Girona and around the world, check out our online auction and sweepstake for your chance to win exclusive City prizes. Every penny raised will help our communities to get back on their feet.


Cityzens Giving for Recovery is City Football Group’s campaign to help communities close to each of its clubs get back on their feet.

City Football Group are matching donations pound for pound up to a total of £500,000 matched against all donations received on or by 30 June.

For more info, click HERE.