Day four of the Cityzens Giving Young Leaders Summit, presented by Etihad Airways, kicked off with energiser sessions led by Young Leaders in Kuala Lumpur and Barranquilla before moving into an educational discussion on female empowerment with City in the Community coaches.

The panel discussed the key differences for female only participation sessions and ways to promote opportunities for female coaches, participants and young leaders.  

Niamh Nolan, Community Outreach Officer – Girls at City in the Community, said: “Female empowerment is really important in the work we do.

“For me, it’s crucial that we break down the barriers that females may face, be it through football, sport or in society in general. It’s about promoting equality and providing opportunities for girls and women within the community.” 

Young Leaders in Manchester and around the world are working hard to engage girls and young women in their programmes.  

Hear how Netra, a young leader with OSCAR Foundation in Mumbai, overcomes perception barriers around girls playing football in her community and how she uses football as a tool to empower and educate young people through the Goals for Life project.

Over in Kilifi in Kenya, Esther and other young leaders are integrating HIV education into weekly girls football sessions to help create a safe and supportive space to discuss sensitive issues.

Watch the video below to find out more...

Locally in Manchester, the City Girls project runs weekly girls football sessions which aim to build the participants’ confidence and leadership skills, as well as their enjoyment of physical activity. 

The Young Leaders Summit enters its final day today, with a focus on managing challenging behaviours.  

For more stories from our projects and to read about our Young Leader Award winners, visit: