To celebrate Thanksgiving, our Cityzens Giving project in East LA are bringing you a healthy recipe that you can easily make at home, with the help of Nexen Tire.

The Healthy Goals project at East LA Rising gets young people active, with Cityzens Giving young leaders teaching local children about the importance of health and nutrition through football.

This Thanksgiving, Chef Jessica Luevano – former participant at East LA Rising and now a chef in Hollywood – brought some of the project participants into the kitchen to cook a delicious, nutritious and healthy v-eat loaf: vegan meatloaf.

Reflecting on the project, Chef Jessica said: “A healthy, active lifestyle is so important to me and it’s something my experiences with East LA Rising instilled in me when I was growing up. As a chef, it is a privilege to share one of my favourite healthy recipes this Thanksgiving and give a little back to the next generation.”
Watch the video to follow the recipe and cook along at home!

This Cityzens Giving project is delivered in partnership with East LA Rising and supported by Nexen Tire.