Manchester City’s Ilkay Gundogan and Aoife Mannion have both been named as the Club’s PFA Community Champions.

Gündogan and Mannion have both gone above and beyond over the last 12 months, to support the local area and City in the Community. 

Gündogan organised and launched his own auction with all proceeds going towards cafes and restaurants in Manchester who are struggling with the effects of the lockdown. The auction included special signed items and experiences, raising £23,971. 

Aoife Mannion has worked tirelessly to support City in the Community over recent months, with a particular focus on supporting its new mental health project, which was launched in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Aoife has spent time speaking with school children about how she managed her mental health during a tough injury and gave them tips on how to stay positive.  

Commenting on the award, she said: 

I’m so proud to have been named as one of the Club’s PFA Community Champions for this season alongside Ilkay.  
City in the Community and the Club as a whole do some incredible work in the Manchester area and it’s an honour to help to support that in whatever way we can.  
As footballers, it’s so important that we use our positions in society to make a difference and I was so touched to help with the distribution of the mental health project specifically.  
Being able to share my experiences with the children was really humbling and I hope that it helped them to realise how important it is to speak openly, especially where mental health is concerned.

Head of City in the Community, Mike Geary, added: 

This is wonderful recognition for two great people and supporters of Manchester’s community.  
Ilkay has emersed himself into the local area since signing for the club in 2016, and Aoife has been an incredible support to us over the last 12 months.  
I’d like to this opportunity to thank and congratulate them both.

The PFA Community Champion Award aims to raise awareness of the great support that PFA members provide to their Club’s community activities during the season.