Anyone who has ever played soccer or has enjoyed watching soccer cannot help but love watching Man City play.

They have immense talent, fluid movements, and are just all around wonderful to watch. I started watching every game however I could, whether it be on my TV, phone, or computer during class.

I first got into Man City about three years ago. I played soccer from the time I was four to when I was 19, as well as being a carded official for two years.

My dad, brother, and sister also played soccer, and my mom and other sister were the biggest cheerleaders on the sidelines of our games.

I had always enjoyed watching soccer with my family, whether it was the World Cup, Premier League, MLS, or a local league.

I had followed Jack Grealish for a bit when he was at Aston Villa, I had just started becoming interested in Phil Foden, and I obviously was impressed by Haaland, and the three of them where all at City together.

I usually watch the games at my house with my family at whatever time they are on, which is five hours earlier than England.

Even if the game is on at 7:30am here on my one day to sleep in, I will still get up and watch the game. Watching the games has become a fun weekend event, where my family can sit down together and watch an entertaining game of soccer.

My favourite City memory is getting to meet the players while they were on tour in New York! I was able to meet Jack Grealish at the Puma block party and he was so kind (yes, I’m the Jack Grealish crying girl)!

He took the time to talk to me and my family, took pictures with us, and even gave me a signed jersey! I then was able to attend the meet and greet after the game against AC Milan and was able to meet the team!

Just like Jack, everyone was so kind. I was able to get their autographs and pictures with all of them! I was a crying mess, but every player was so nice!

The U.S. tour is a wonderful memory that I will never forget, as everyone I met on the team or the staff of Man City were so nice and welcoming, it only made me love Man City more!

Jocelyn Mull