Manchester City Women’s stars Lucy Bronze, Chloe Kelly and Rose Lavelle feature in a series of behind-the-scenes content in collaboration with partner Sure, in celebration of International Women’s Day 2021.

As part of the content series, the players have shared their unique journeys on the way to making it as professional athletes and what they feel makes them Unstoppable.

The first episode featuring The Best FIFA Women’s Player 2020, Lucy Bronze covered her rise to the very top of the game. Chloe Kelly’s episode examines her motivation to succeed whilst Rose Lavelle’s looks at the importance of inspiring future generations of female players.

“With Rexona having come on board as a partner of our women’s team in December, the Unstoppable campaign is a fantastic example of the brand’s support for MCWFC and is the perfect way to mark International Women’s Day, said Gavin Makel, Managing Director, Manchester City Women.

“Their commitment to growing the women’s game is exactly why we joined forces with them and we’re excited to see three of our talented and inspiring players showcased through this unique piece of content.”

Emily Weston, Global Rexona Senior Brand Manager, added: “We are delighted to share our Unstoppable series of content, created thanks to our partnership with Manchester City Women.

“We want to raise awareness of the challenges and barriers our players have had to overcome to make it to where they are today as well as highlighting our commitment and support for the women’s game.”