City’s globe-trotting Trophy Tour - featuring former Blues favourite Shaun Wright-Phillips - visited Japan recently, meeting up with our Official Supporters’ Club members in Osaka and Tokyo.

The Osaka OSC are based in the Dōtonbori area of the city.

The branch, who recently celebrated their first anniversary, have 23 members, and were delighted to meet SWP, have items autographed and pictures taken in a local Osaka bar.

The Club provided the branch with some giveaways and a signed shirt as a gift.

Tim Miyoshi, the Osaka OSC Chair said: “We Osaka Cityzens are a young branch who were established in 2021.

“For the visit, I booked the best sports pub in Osaka and waited with bated breath for the Premier League trophy to arrive.

“We were ready to greet the trophy with chants, but when Shaun walked in, we just forgot everything and applauded!

“We were so impressed that the trophy came all the way to Osaka.

“When we met Shaun and the trophy, and I felt that all the hard work of managing the branch was worth it.

“I asked Shaun to come back to Osaka with ‘Big Ears’ next season, so I sincerely hope that it will come true. Thanks again to Shaun and the Club.”

But the Trophy Tour wasn’t quite finished in Japan just yet.

Before departing, a visit to the Tokyo OSC was arranged to great acclaim.

Tokyo OSC was the first branch established in Japan (2018) and they now have 63 members.

After a 30-minute meet and greet with Shaun and the trophy, the Club presented the branch with gifts and a signed shirt.

Katsushi Oikawa (Chair of Tokyo OSC) said: “It was really an honour to meet City legend Shaun Wright-Phillips and to see the Premier League trophy in Japan.

“We enjoyed the Trophy Tour and talking to Shaun, especially as he was so friendly with all our members.”