Manchester City & Sure prove that, no matter who you are, you can have the confidence to move more.

In partnership with Sure, we’re advocating for new role models who have the power to inspire the next generation of movers. Because everyone should have the confidence to move - whoever you are, however you move.

Sure’s new 72 hour Nonstop Protection gives anyone the confidence to push beyond their limits and move more, including our City in the Community amputee footballer Sean Jackson, who features in Sure UK’s video below.

No matter how hard he pushes, Sean never breaks a sweat and proves that he is not done yet!

The City in the Community Amputee Football Team makes up a part of the charity’s ‘One City Disability’ programme.

One City Disability, which is supported by Sure, provides opportunities for participants to take part in free football and sporting provision relevant to their specific disability. Young people and adults of all abilities are welcome.

Disabled participants do not always feel comfortable or able to access universal provision, so it is important to provide disability specific sports to provide participants with a development and participation pathway, regardless of their disability or impairment.

As the world’s number one antiperspirant and deodorant brand, Sure are proud to make products that keep millions of people staying fresh on the move - but are committed to going further, ensuring everyone has the freedom to move without fear of judgement. That’s why Sure have developed the Sure Breaking Limits Programme.

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