Members of the Manchester City Women’s branch of our Official Supporters Club were out in force to play their own key role in our memorable Continental Cup triumph over Chelsea earlier this month.

On the field, Gareth Taylor’s side produced a superb all-round display as we beat Chelsea 3-1 to lift the Conti Cup trophy for a fourth time.

Off it, we were backed by a large, passionate following with many members of the Official Supporters Club making their way to Wimbledon’s Plough Lane ground to back the team as part of a sell-out crowd.

As always, their passion and support was hugely appreciated by the players and coaching staff.

And, just as for the team, for members of the Official Supporters Club, it was a special occasion that will live long in the memory.

Manchester City Women’s Official Supporters Club branch member Emma Meredith-Shone said: “I’m struggling to still find the words to describe what it meant to see the team lift the Continental Cup at Wimbledon!

“The performance was incredible from the team, the belief to come from behind and win in the most emphatic way against a Chelsea who have dominated domestically, it was the most satisfying & most pleasing result of recent times.

“It really felt special and will, without doubt, be remembered as one of the most iconic performances in our history.”

MAGIC MEMORIES: Members of the Manchester City Women's Official Supporters Club pictured at the Continental Cup final
MAGIC MEMORIES: Members of the Manchester City Women's Official Supporters Club pictured at the Continental Cup final

That feeling of pride and unity was echoed by fellow member Charlotte Wilkins who described just what the day meant to her.

“As a new fan I had never attended a final before with the Manchester City Women’s Official Supporters Club branch, as in 2020, it was during lockdown and we couldn’t go to the FA Cup final.

“Getting on the coach at the Etihad car park there was such a buzz of excitement from everyone.

“Someone made bags of cakes for everyone on the coach and the Official Supporters Club held a raffle with prizes to win. 

“It was a long trip to Wimbledon, but the journey felt quick as everyone was in good spirits. 

“As a new fan I haven’t seen the team beat Chelsea in any competition, to finally achieve that in a cup final is a moment I’ll never forget. 

“After the game the players ran over with the trophy and cheered with us, a special moment for the players to recognise and appreciate our long journey to be there in this special moment. 

“The energy on the coach home was electric, someone had a speaker and we were singing ‘We are the Champions’ and many songs into the late hours of the evening on the journey home to Manchester. 

“One of the best away days of the season, I felt so connected with other supporters and the team.”

Sharon Norris was another to both recognise and celebrate such a significant day and achievement and the role played by the Official Supporters Club branch in backing the team.

“It was a fantastic day out, all together on the coach with the Manchester City Women’s Official Supporters Club branch,” Sharon recalls.

“Nerves and optimism on the way down to London, turned into singing and dancing on the way home!

“City played an amazing game of football, and I would like to think that the full stand of supporters behind the goal contributed to their second half performance.”

To find out more about Manchester City Women’s Official Supporters Club, or your local supporters club, visit