Manchester City’s Minneapolis Official Supporters Club branch recently celebrated their fifth anniversary with a special gathering.

Members took part in a raffle, with a signed Kevin De Bruyne shirt, provided by the Club, one of the prizes on offer.

Having initially started with 20 supporters, the branch, based in the US state of Minnesota, now boasts just shy of 100 members, who regularly meet up to cheer on Pep Guardiola’s men on matchdays.

However, giving back to the community also forms a strong part of their overall ethos, with the group holding events such as coat drives and an annual Toys for Tots collection at Christmas.

Indeed, each year half of the membership fees are also donated to a different local charity.

Chris, the Chair of the Minneapolis branch said of their anniversary gathering: We have an amazing video of our raffle winner, Tommy literally bouncing across the pub to collect his prize [Kevin De Bruyne shirt].

“That’s what City does — it makes you feel special. We know how lucky we are to be a part of something like this.

“Whether it’s the singing, friendly banter, or members posing with our Pep cardboard cut-out and our replica of Premier League trophy, we always have an amazing time together and the fifth anniversary gathering was no exception.

“It’s incredibly rewarding being the Chair of an OSC and bringing so much joy to our members and helping those in need through charitable donations and kindness in our community. I look forward to many years to come!

Tommy, the winner of Minneapolis’ anniversary raffle also shared his thought on his relationship with the branch and the football club.

“Being part of the Minneapolis OSC is one of the better things to happen to me lately. I had just moved to the twin cities and was used to watching games by myself.

“There was an FA Cup match that I didn’t have access to, so I found Brit’s pub, and put on my City jersey.

“Upon arriving at the pub, the hostess asked me if I was with the City people, to which I joyfully replied, “I am now!” and joined the branch immediately.

“Gathering is a deeply important experience for me, and so to have my love for City be celebrated by this community is a blessing.

“I have so much pride in supporting this team, and seeing his signed jersey hung on my wall each day is an incredible symbol of that pride!

“Thank you Twin Cityzens and Manchester City for all you do to perpetuate community around this fantastic team. I’ll follow you everywhere!”

If you’d like to join or find out more about your local Official Supporters Club, you can register your interest here ahead of the 2023/24 season.