Over 40 members of North and Central American Official Supporters Clubs visited the Etihad Stadium for our top-of-the-table clash against Arsenal on Wednesday evening.

Supporters from 13 branches, across the US, Canada, and Mexico, travelled to Manchester and were given a warm welcome by the Club. A small number were invited on to our Blue Carpet, allowing them to welcome the players off the coach and later the whole group were escorted pitch side to take in the pre-match atmosphere.

Angelo, a member of the Houston Space Cityzens commented on the experience: “I know it’s a once-in-a lifetime experience and I’m living it -- I mean, I’m still shaking from it. It was probably one of the most insane experiences I’ve ever lived.

“Without the Official Supporters Club in Houston and without meeting Michele, our president, I wouldn’t have been able to come anywhere near maybe even a football game, let alone today’s opportunity. The best part of being a branch member has been just having a family that I’m able to watch the games within my hometown in Houston.”

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Spencer, who is a committee member of the New York City branch, also provided comments on his time in Manchester: “It’s always brilliant coming to Manchester for a match, but this was on a whole other level. The atmosphere at the Etihad was absolutely electric, and to see City win so convincingly against Arsenal is something I’ll never forget. Getting to do the Poznan was the cherry on top!”

Take a look at some pictures from the event below...