Man City Esports are thrilled to confirm Sebastian ‘Trippernn’ Kjaer will be part of the Club’s Fortnite roster for 2024.

The Danish Pro has entered his second year with City, having joined the Organisation after a strong 2022 in which he placed second at the FNCS S20 Finals, second in the Gamers8 No Build and fourth at the FNCS Invitational. 

In his first season with City, it was a year of near misses for Trippernn who changed duos multiple times throughout the year.  

But, the 20-year-old is channelling the disappointment of missing out on the Global Championships into motivation as he looks to bounce back to the form he and the Club knows he is capable of.  

“I’ve loved my journey with Man City Esports so far and I am grateful for the opportunity to extend my contract after a tough year which I don’t think reflected how well I can play” said Trippernn.  

“I’ve been working really hard on myself the past few months and I’m excited to showcase what I can do at the upcoming FNCS semi-finals and hopefully after that the Finals.”

“Having a fresh face in Setty joining the organisation I think will help me improve too and I’m looking forward to us both trying to win City’s first FNCS title with our respective duos.”

We have compiled some of Trippernn’s best pics since he joined Man City Esports to celebrate his new contract and you can view them below.

Everyone at Manchester City would like to congratulate Sebastian on his contract extension and we wish him and his duo the very best of luck throughout the year.  

DEBUT : Trippernn wearing a Man City Esports shirt for the first time in 2023.
DEBUT : Trippernn wearing a Man City Esports shirt for the first time in 2023.

GAMEMODE : Trippernn fully focused on his Fortnite game at DreamHack Sweden.
GAMEMODE : Trippernn fully focused on his Fortnite game at DreamHack Sweden.

IN THE SPOTLIGHT : Trippernn enjoying the Red Bull Edinburgh event.
IN THE SPOTLIGHT : Trippernn enjoying the Red Bull Edinburgh event.

MEDIA DUTIES : Trippernn during the media day for Red Bull Edinburgh.
MEDIA DUTIES : Trippernn during the media day for Red Bull Edinburgh.

LET 2024 COMMENCE!  : Trippernn snapped in the 2023/24 Man City Esports kit ahead of an exciting year.
LET 2024 COMMENCE! : Trippernn snapped in the 2023/24 Man City Esports kit ahead of an exciting year.