The second day of the Young Leaders Summit focused on fostering teamwork, creativity and entrepreneurship.

Pete Bradshaw, City Football Group’s Sustainability Director, joined the Summit to present an innovation challenge: to design a football-based activity to educate children on sustainability issues, and how communities can come together to help address them now and in the future.

Young Leaders learnt about City Football Group’s commitment to sustainability and a carbon net zero future, before being split into cross-cultural groups to tackle the challenge.

City’s Sustainability Game Plan

The groups were tasked to come up with a specific sustainability theme and learning outcome for their football activity, ranging from water and energy to waste management and ecology.

Young Leaders will be putting their plans into action later in the week when they deliver peer-to-peer sessions.

In the evening, Young Leaders had a unique opportunity to visit a One City Disability session and find out more about City in the Community’s work to make football safe and inclusive for all.