City’s visit of Norwich will be fondly remembered by those of the Sky Blue persuasion for many years to come but none more so than four of Manchester’s own superstars, who were treated to an unforgettable match day experience.

To give something back to the local community, Rolls-Royce Manchester rewarded Linda and Laura Holmes, and Gerry and Kate Sinclair with the five-star treatment for the game, in recognition of the magnificent work they do in East Manchester.

Linda has worked tirelessly on behalf of the elderly population, even whilst battling cancer. She raises money for a number of charities, including those supporting troops in Iraq.

Furthermore, she also runs a “meals on wheels” service to support the vulnerable elderly and her daughter Laura has also given much of her time to supporting various causes in the region, despite being bullied at school for the community work she has been so keen to undertake.


No words can describe Linda and what she has achieved in life. She is remarkable, determined and strong-willed to overcome her battle with cancer, all while she was fundraising and helping others.


...Sarah Wilkinson, Charity and Community Events Assistant for City


Linda and Laura were accompanied by Gerry and Kate Sinclair, on whose behalf they have worked so hard to reunite after they were assigned separate nursing homes.

Gerry, 92, is a life-long City fan and after a colourful life which included training airmen in World War II and being captured as a Prisoner of War, a day at City with his wife Kate was truly a special occasion.

The group were picked up by a chauffeur-driven Rolls-Royce to start the day off in style, and had the smoothest of rides to the Etihad, where hospitality in the Mancunian Suite awaited them.

As you can see, the car was specially designed in City colours to celebrate the anniversary of the Alpine Trial Centenary. To read the full history and to find out more, click here.

Of course, City went on to put on quite the display on the pitch, running riot and firing seven past Norwich to put the icing on a special day for the guests.