For lifelong Manchester City fan Joan Carr, meeting legend Mike Summerbee became a reality when Mike popped into St Ann’s Hospice to say hello along with the Barclay’s Premier League Trophy and the Capital One Cup.

Nurses at the hospice in Heald Green told us how much of a City fan Joan is, she even held a City-themed fundraising event in aid of St Ann’s after having been a patient before.

Joan, 74, a day patient at the hospice from Openshaw, said “I’m so excited to meet him. It’s a big thing in my life; I go to matches with my grandson Michael and I went to see the team taking their trophies around Manchester. Today is something I’ll always treasure.”

summerbee trophy visit

During his visit, Mike spent time chatting and taking photos with patients in Day Care, before taking the trophies around the inpatient wards. He said “I’ve been to St Ann’s before, and I enjoy coming here. It’s nice to know you’ve contributed a little to someone’s life and it has a good effect on them. When you come to St Ann’s, you know you’ll be well looked after, it’s a place of comfort.”

Joan, who has secondary breast cancer, enjoys attending Day Care at St Ann’s Hospice. She says “I love everything about it – the people are so nice, everybody is a gem. I’ve become an artist, and my painting today is of course in City’s colours!”

St Ann’s Hospice cares and helps around 3,000 patients (over the age of 16) and their families and carers every year who are affected by cancer and non-cancer life limiting illnesses.