This month is the international month of ‘Football v Homophobia’ (FvH) and once again, Manchester City are supporting the initiative.

The annual drive is aimed at raising awareness of homophobia, and some of the work being done to tackle it.

On Saturday 7 February, Manchester City held a Football v Homophobia game of action which included matchday activities, interviews with the Canal Street Blues Supporters Club and local football team Village Manchester FC, a matchday programme feature, digital adverts and supportive warm-up t-shirts for both sides.


Vincent Kompany, who led the team out, stated: “We’re proud to be supporting the Football v Homophobia campaign and recognise its importance.

“We hope that it sends out a message that there is no place for discrimination in football, nor in any sport.”

Lou Englefield, Founder of Football v Homophobia said: “We know that Manchester City takes action year-round to tackle homophobia and to welcome LGBT people to the club.


“We’re delighted that Football v Homophobia is part of the club’s work in this area. Having the support of a big club like City during our Month of Action significantly improves the reach and impact of our message that football is for everyone.

“We’re hugely grateful to the club for backing the campaign again this season and designating a game to FvH.”

Supporters can find out more about the Football v Homophobia campaign by visiting: and can keep up to date with all the news by following the campaign on Twitter or liking the Facebook page.