On Tuesday, 10 February, organisations across the globe are celebrating Safer Internet Day and City have teamed up with the UK Safer Internet Centre to help promote the safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology among children and young people.

This year’s theme is ‘Let’s create a better internet together’ and MCFC, whose foundation City in the Community already work alongside net protectors Mobile Force Field to make the internet a safer place for children, are proud to offer their support for the campaign.

The internet is a great tool we use every day. 

From doing homework to managing our finances and keeping in touch with friends, the internet has made our lives so much easier, but it also presents many dangers everyone should be aware of.

The UK Safer Internet Centre works hard to safeguard young people against these dangers, which range from cyber-bullying and illegal downloading to identity theft and fraud, among others. 

By providing social work training sessions and online safety briefings for parents, teachers and students, the Centre has helped to protect many from falling victim to the risks associated with using the internet.

As part of our commitment to promoting a better internet for all, Manchester City are offering players, parents, staff and house parents the opportunity to take part in internet safety workshops on 11 and 12 February. 

These sessions are being run by Sharon Girling OBE who has previously worked with the Government’s ‘Child Exploitation & Online Protection Centre’ (CE-OP) to protect young people online.

City star Gael Clichy expressed his support for Safer Internet Day, commenting: “The internet is a fantastic tool, I use it every day and so do many of the younger members of my family. 

However, despite its many advantages, I know that it presents a range of risks we need to safeguard ourselves against.

...Gael Clichy...


“Getting involved in the workshops and training sessions the UK Safer Internet Centre and its partners offer is an ideal way to ensure we know how to protect ourselves online.”

“I would encourage all City fans and families to use the online resources provided by the Centre to make the internet a safer place for everyone.”

How can you better protect yourself and your family?

  • Install and frequently update your computer’s spy-ware and virus protection.
  • Use ‘strong’ passwords containing a combination of letters, numbers and symbols.
  • Don’t share personal details, especially financial information, via e-mail or social media.
  • Talk to your children about their online activity and how they can protect themselves.
  • Use the resources available at http://www.saferinternet.org.uk/advice-and-resources.

For more information on Safer Internet Day and the UK Safer Internet Centre, please visit http://www.saferinternet.org.uk/