From Monday 5 October, City in the Community will benefit from a new government levy that has been introduced in a bid to help the environment and cut down on the number of plastic bags used around the country.

This new law will see 5p charged for all single use carrier bags at our CityStores at the Etihad Stadium and on Market Street with the Club using proceeds generated to support the work City in the Community are doing in Manchester.

‎Serena Gosling, Director of Licensing and Retail said: “Maintaining a healthy and sustainable natural environment is important to Manchester City and we see this in action through our social, environmental, employment and procurement practices.

“We are happy to be doing our bit to try and reduce the environmental impact carrier bags are having alongside an opportunity to support the great work City in the Community do in Manchester.”

Some key environmental highlights:

- Manchester City has continued to monitor its electricity use, water use and carbon footprint during the year, and ensured that none of the Club’s waste has gone to landfill.

- Consistent with a commitment to offset its carbon emissions, Manchester City planted more than 2,000 mature trees in East Manchester, almost 3km of hedgerow and some 46 acres of managed grass, wildflower meadow and landscape, creating a new wildlife corridor. 

- The Club achieved a 27% reduction in its carbon footprint in 2013-14.

For more information on how this levy will affect you, click here.