Players from both Manchester City’s men and women’s teams took a break from their busy training schedules to take part in City in the Community's third annual golf day, Blues on the Green.

Fernandinho, Fernando, Daphne Corboz and Alex Brooks took the trip to Mottram Hall Golf Club to meet footballers and swap a football for a golf ball, heading to the green for a putting challenge.

Alex Brooks and Daphne Corboz

Sixteen teams including former players Gary Owen, Joe Corrigan, Ian Brightwell, Jim Melrose and Andy Morrison took part in the 18-hole tournament.


The event raised more than £20,000 towards City in the Community’s work in Manchester and will support their flagship disability football programme that already provides free accessible football opportunities to 1,500 people.


Alex Williams commented: “Blues on the Green offers so much more than just a round of golf and we’re extremely grateful for the support we’ve received from our loyal fans.

Alex Williams

“The money raised will really help make a difference and the City in the Community team can continue shaping the lives of young people in our local community.”

To find out more about City in the Community’s programmes, visit