Hundreds of football mad youngsters in East Manchester played the beautiful game for free this summer, thanks to City in the Community’s (CITC) ‘Soccer School’ programme.

As part of the four week programme, CITC opened the doors of the state-of-the-art City Football Academy – with secondary sessions at Newall Green High School – to more than 200 children aged 6-14.

City in the Community Ambassador, Alex Williams, is proud that CITC continue to offer these free sessions, which provide participants with the opportunity to stay healthy and develop their skills in a fun and safe environment.

He said: “We were delighted to welcome so many local children to our sessions this summer and hope that they have taken away some new skills, whilst making great memories!” 

This summer’s Soccer Schools, which clocked over 160 hours, were supported by the Greater Manchester High Sheriff’s Police Trust – funding which enabled CITC to support a bank of volunteers, purchase equipment and prizes.

Youngsters were also able to take advantage of girls only sessions and coaching for local junior football clubs. 

John Hayden’s son took part in the sessions. He added: “I would like to thank all the coaches for their hard work.

“And to Manchester City for giving back something to the fans and the local community whilst developing such a great summer programme that has left so many kids (including mine) with lots of great memories.”

Our Soccer Schools will be back! Keep your eye out on our social media pages for more information.