City in the Community is pleased to announce the expansion of its primary school programme, in partnership with the Premier League.

Under the new Premier League Primary Stars initiative, the appeal of football and the Manchester City badge is used to inspire local children to develop their skills and ambitions, both on and off the field.

City in the Community is offering the programme to every primary school in Manchester, providing national curriculum linked key stage 1 and 2 resources in maths, English and other subjects.

Our qualified coaches are also supporting teaching staff and providing them with the skills and confidence they need to be able to deliver high quality PE education.

So far, the delivery of this programme has been well received, with pupils and teachers alike singing its praises.

“City in the Community have raised the standard of school sport and PE delivery,” said Faik Kordemir, Head of Newall Green Primary School.

“It’s refreshing to have high quality professional coaches deliver in our schools all year around. To have well-rounded coaches who provide both curricular PE, extra-curricular sport and staff training across both key stages is phenomenal.

“We are really pleased with the work they are doing in our schools and are proud to be a City in the Community partner school!”

The programme will be delivered in over 100 primary schools across Manchester by September 2017.

For more information, please contact City in the Community Schools Manager, Sam Waterhouse on