Cityzens Giving is back and you have the power to decide how £400,000, donated by City Football Group its partners, is split between six community football projects across the world.


The Healthy Goals project in Los Angeles wants to get young people active and teach them about the importance of health and nutrition.

Ruben, one of the projects Young Leaders, is frustrated by the number of fast food restaurants in a city where more than 30% of children are overweight or obese.

He believes through football, the Healthy Goals project can not only improve the health of local children, but help them achieve in other areas of their life as a consequence of a healthier lifestyle.

He told why this is so important in LA…

“I got involved in this project because it can be life changing in the long run.

“We can bring awareness and educate our community as to what they should be eating and also how unhealthy food affects us.

“I’m inspired to help children that are at risk of developing preventable diseases because I can see the suffering these kids go through in their daily lives.

“They typically suffer bullying, body shaming and put downs, which can lead to depression and a loss of focus, but their mental health is just as important if they are to overcome obstacles not only on the pitch, but in life.

“This project will change many young people’s lives by keeping them safe, teaching them how to overcome obstacles through healthy choices and laying the foundation for success.

“It will affect them in so many ways that we will see positive things bloom from these young people.”

This project is delivered in partnership with East LA Rising, and generously supported by Nexen Tyre.