Manchester City players Jill Scott and Megan Campbell joined youngsters from a local primary school to see first-hand the work that is being delivered through City in the Community’s new collaboration

Combining a fun and interactive curriculum with digital resources, classrooms across Manchester are being provided with the tools to support the development of their pupils’ positive mental well-being by building resilience, self-esteem and character. 

The downloadable lessons and animated characters take children through a series of modules to help them understand how the brain works, celebrate character strengths, develop a habit of gratitude, build positive relationships and engage with the world. 

These lessons can also be accessed by pupils and parents via the myHappymind app, which is home to a series of games and exercises. 

For City in the Community schools, these games have been given a Manchester City make-over enabling youngsters to unlock football accessories for their chosen character.

BRIGHT MINDS : Local primary school children take Jill Scott through the myHappymind lesson
BRIGHT MINDS : Local primary school children take Jill Scott through the myHappymind lesson

On the day, the children, who had been invited to City Football Academy to take part in a myHappymind lesson, helped the players understand what each animated character represented and showed them a calming and self-reflective exercise known as ‘happy breathing’.  

Mike Green, Head of City in the Community, commented: “We are delighted to be collaborating with myHappymind to promote positive mental well-being within our local partner schools. 

“The programme will add a new aspect to our football led curriculum and will help to provide children across Manchester with the confidence and self-belief to reach their potential.” 

Laura Earnshaw, Founder and CEO of myHappymind, added: “We are thrilled to be working alongside City in the Community to bring myHappymind into schools in and around Manchester. 

“CITC have a long history of supporting the well-being of children through their inclusive health, fitness and lifestyle programmes.

“We’re excited about bringing the conversation around building mental well-being to life in Manchester schools through this collaboration.”