Earlier this month, City in the Community delivered the latest One City Disability Programme secondary schools league at the City Football Academy.

Attending the event, there were 17 teams from 15 specialist schools from across Greater Manchester and Cheshire.

More than 150 pupils attended on the day playing in two ability-based leagues. As well as the ‘One City’ secondary Schools league, CITC deliver a Primary Schools league tournament to offer tournament football to all ages for both disabled boys and girls

City in the Community have a vast variation of projects within the One City Disability Programme incorporating sessions for a wide range of specific disabilities as well as PAN Disability relating to all forms of disability playing together in a sporting environment.

On the day, CITC had some volunteers from The Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation (IICF) UK.

The IICF is a unique non-profit foundation that helps communities and enriches lives by uniting the Insurance Industry through grants, volunteer service and leadership. In just three years, IICF has raised over £350K and helped over 900 people across the UK through grants to charities promoting social mobility.  

As well as the One Disability Schools league, IICF work in association with CITC to deliver Unified Sports competitions allowing able and disabled young people to play together in the same sport. These competitions encourage team play and appreciation of all young people and inclusion in sporting activity.

Roseanne Hutchinson, teacher from Delamere Primary said: “Thank you so, so much for organising such a wonderful event. Our pupils came running into school so excited yesterday afternoon, with big smiles on their faces, and all of them said what a fantastic day they had, including the staff, Thank You!!”

The CITC One Disability project provides opportunities for disabled young people to play football in a safe environment with like-minded people.

With the focus on raising physical health, mental health and confidence. There are also opportunities to attend our free extracurricular sessions and play for Man City in regional and national Ability Counts leagues 

If you would like any information on any of the CITC One disability projects, please contact Paul Kelly on paul.kelly2@cityfootball.com or follow us on @CITCtweets and on Facebook at facebook.com/mancitycitc.