City in the Community are delighted to announce Laura Wilson, City in the Community Outreach Officer, has been announced on the Northern Power Women Futures list as a role model. 

The Northern Power Women is a collaborative campaign to accelerate gender diversity from the North of England.

Community Outreach Officer, City in the Community - Manchester City Football Club
“For the last 7 years, I have worked in the Professional Football industry, using the power of Football and brand of the Football Club to inspire change within under-privileged communities. My work enables me to push for a better future for individuals and provide opportunities for them to achieve their potential. I have been involved with social inclusion projects, health and well-being initiatives and youth development for the past 7 years and would consider myself a role model to those that I am working with. Navigating the historically male dominated football industry as a young female has naturally been a challenge but also served as inspiration for me. Over the last 7 years I have strived to challenge those prehistoric views, break down barriers and create opportunities, not just for females but all minority groups and people facing various barriers in life; this is something I am incredibly passionate about. I have worked hard to be in a position where I am now empowered to influence change but also be an example of the change I want to inspire.”

To find out more, visit the Northern Power Women website here