Over 100 young people from across Manchester had the chance to try rock climbing, abseiling, ice skating and skate boarding last week at a special adventure activity day at the City of Manchester Stadium.

Other activities included MCing and DJing, lacrosse, football and table tennis – there was also a special parent’s zone set up in the stadium where people could receive massages and free tea and coffee.

Earl Barrett from CITC, who helped to organise the day, said: “The day was a great success and gave the young people a range of new and exciting activities that they wouldn’t normally have access to.

“We are very grateful to the support of all our partners in particular 4CT and Connexions - hopefully some of the young people have gone away with new ideas on what sporting and physical activities are available to them.”

Getting Manchester Moving is a citywide initiative designed to raise awareness about the importance of physical activity, its benefits and where these activities can be accessed as well as about healthy eating and weight management.

The project is funded by the Football Foundation and Manchester City Council and Manchester Public Health Development Service.

For more information about Getting Manchester Moving please visit www.gettingmanchesternmoving.org.

For more information about Adventure activities available through CITC please contact the office on 0161 438 7711 or e-mail citc@mcfc.co.uk