'Use your head’ is the message on a new poster campaign to raise awareness about how to look after and improve your mental health.

The campaign is one of a series of posters that have been developed on all aspects of health that are being displayed around the concourse at Manchester City Football Club. The campaign kicked off on Saturday 25 October 2008 at the Manchester City vs Stoke City game.

In the UK, 1 in 4 people will experience problems with their mental health. Issues such as stress, depression and anxiety are becoming increasingly common as we all juggle the demands of modern life. Such problems are common, so why don’t more people talk about them?

Nicola Wood, Senior Public Health Development Advisor for Mental Health said: “There is no shame in admitting you’re not coping and things are getting on top of you.  We all experience this from time to time, it just means you’re human, but it’s important to talk to someone about it and share your worries. 

“It may help to know that many of the things you do to look after your body have benefits for your mind too.  In fact, taking regular exercise is one of the most effective ways to improve your mood.  So don’t sit around and watch the game, get moving too!”

The poster campaign is a joint initiative between Manchester Public Health Development and Getting Manchester Moving. It will continue through to spring 2009 exploring sensible drinking, smoking and other health related issues.

Check out www.gettingmanchestermoving.org for ideas.  For more information about mental health concerns visit www.mhim.org.uk.

 For anyone with concerns about their mental health, it is advised that they visit their GP.